Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Low Can You Go Rules

Okay, I did some sleuthing and came up with some rules based on other folks who have taken on this challenge:
  • The meal must cost $10 or less
  • Freebies are salt and pepper
  • Price fats (butter, margarine, oil) at 10 cents a tablespoon
  • Recipe can be something you make currently or a newly created recipe
  • Extra points for making a meal that looks more expensive than it is

Anything else we should add? Lets shoot for posting them the week of July 6. Sound good? And if you know anyone else who'd like to participate, send them the challenge and we'll just have all the more recipes to enjoy!

1 comment:

sara said...

sorry it's taken me so long to respond but i think this would be fun! i'll try to work on it this weekend...definitely can always use some cheap meals!