Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fettuccine with Rapini, Walnuts and Gorgonzola

Our crop share has started and last night was our first meal experimenting with a new ingredient, Rapini which is also called Brocolli Raab.

This Fettuccine with Rapini, Walnuts and Gorgonzola recipe was really good. It tasted like something you'd get at a restaurant.

For the rest of the week I have rhubarb, spinach, arugula, radishes and lovage.


mollie said...

I love rapini! We have it every Christmas..going to have to try this pasta, yum! Are you going to make a rhubarb pie or crisp?! Mmmm, wish I could come eat at your house :)

camby said...

I made rhubarb cobbler. I'll post the recipe. I wish we could have you over for a meal without you having to get on Megabus!

How does your family cook rapini?

mollie said...

Did you hear Megabus went under?? I haven't confirmed its true yet but someone told me that. Anyways! My Mom usually steams or pan sautees rapini with some/all of the following: olive-oil, garlic, lemon, pepper and pine-nuts. She also serves it with cannelloni beans sometimes too...